英语主题课|出游必备英语 English for outings
English for outings
Do you have a favorite place in your own town? Why do you like it? 在你的家乡,你有最喜欢去的地方吗? 你为什么喜欢那里? What is the first thing a foreign visitor should do in your town? 外国游客在你的城市应该做的第一件事是什么? What are common things you do with your friends? 你和朋友经常在一起做些什么? Where do you go? How do you get there? How much does it cost? 你们一般会去哪里?怎么去?花多少钱? Come and join our warm and engaging offline theme class. You will learn about culture and diversity. You develop sensitivity and critical thinking skills. Your sensitivity and cultural awareness skills will help you make sense of the world around you. You will also learn to speak in a diverse range of ways. 快来参加我们温馨迷人的线下主题课吧!你将了解文化和多样性。你会培养敏感度和批判性思维能力。你的敏感度和文化认知能力将帮助你理解周围的世界。你还将学会用各种不同的方式用英文沟通。 After this theme class, you will: 在这节主题课之后,你将: learn words for the things around your town. 学习你所在城镇周围事物的相关单词。 how to make plans with friends. 如何与朋友制定出行计划。 will be far more comfortable using English in everyday scenarios. 你会在日常生活中更舒适地使用英语。 Jack老师参加过超多有趣的活动 在本期主题课中, Jack老师为大家分享其中最好玩的活动: THE LORD OF THE 2nd RING 超级有意思,不要错过哦 在本次活动中, 你还可以体验到超火的社交游戏: 身体扭扭乐 考验肢体柔韧度与平衡度的同时, 还能够学到实用英语, 快来和Jack老师一起玩耍吧! Why do we learn with Jack? 为什么选择和Jack老师学习? Jack 7年丰富的英语教学经验 TESOL国际教师资格认证 擅长帮助学生提升自信开口说英语