Selling Sustainability in China | Collective Responsiblity Forum
As business leaders and brands begin to shift their business models to deliver more sustainable products and services, the next challenge is often learning to to sell "sustainability" in China. For those that overcome, new markets are unlocked, while for those that fail, the setbacks may stall (or kill) initiatives to move the organization, its processes, and its products closer to sustainability.
随着商界领袖和品牌开始逐渐转变其商业模式从而向消费者们提供更具可持续性的产品和服务,他们面临的下一个挑战则是学习如何在中国销售“可持续性”。 对于那些可以战胜挑战的人来说,他们可以打开新的市场,而对于那些未能克服困难的人来说,挫折可能会阻碍(甚至扼杀)公司、其流程和产品向可持续性方向转型的举措。
To help provide tangible insights and experience into "selling sustainability" in China, we have invited the following panelists to speak with The Collective about their work to "sell sustainability".
Jason Thomas, MD of Adidas Greater China (Confirmed)
Christine Pan, Adidas (Confirmed)
Jon Newton, Founder of Life Solutions (Confirmed)
Ed Zhao, SVP and Managing Director, Asia of Milliken (Confirmed)
Date /活动日期
July 21, 2021 Wednesday, 19:00-21:00
2021年7月21日 周三下午7点-9点
Agenda /流程
19:00 Doors Open 签到
19:20 Welcome Remarks 开场欢迎致词
19:30 Panel Discussion 专家小组会谈
20:30 Q&A 问答环节
Event Location /活动地点
WeWork, The Center, Floor 8
989 Chang Le Road (Chang Shu Road), Xu Hui District
Nearby metro station/周边地铁信息:
Line 1/7, Chang Shu Road Station (5 minutes walk)
1/ 7号线常熟路站 (步行约5分钟)
Line 2, Jing An Temple Station (10-12 minutes walk)
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About Collective Responsibility
in Shanghai, Collective Responsibility is a strategicadvisory firm
founded by Richard Brubaker, one of Asia’s most recognized authorities
onsustainability, innovation and responsible leadership. Founded with
the fundamental belief that that a sustainable world can only be
achieved through awareness of issues, finding tangibility inbusiness
cases, and development of cross-sector collaboration, Collective
Responsibility acts as a knowledge base, catalyst and facilitator
betweenstakeholders. We
at Collective view sustainability as a holistic processof action and a
change in vision among corporations, from the new entrantworkers to the
founders and visionaries of the company. Change for a more efficient and
productive planet starts with the private sector, and we’re here to
help our clients move towards that future through consulting, research,
training, and engaging their stakeholders.
集思共利企业管理咨询公司设址上海,是一家战略咨询公司。其创始人Richard Brubaker,在亚洲可持续发展、企业社会责任、创新和领袖责任领域有着丰富的经验。公司坚信只有通过提高对有关问题的认识、寻找商业案例的可行性以及建立跨行业合作才能真正实现可持续性发展,而在这其中,集思共利扮演着一个知识库、催化剂和利益相关者间的促进者的角色。我们认为可持续是一个整体的行动过程,也是一个企业调整视野的过程。创造一个更有效率的世界应该从企业的转变开始,而我们正是通过咨询、调研、培训和加强利益相关者的参与度来帮助客户实现这样的愿景的。